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Impressive Model of the ENERGIN M12 GEN G500 Engine


New Project for R Schmitt Enertec: Impressive Model of the ENERGIN M12 GEN G500 Engine

We are delighted to present our latest project for R Schmitt Enertec: an outstanding 1:5 scale model of the ENERGIN M12 GEN G500 engine.

We are filled with great joy to have worked on this project and would like to express our sincere gratitude for the trust placed in us. We look forward to a successful collaboration in the field of prototype construction.

You can personally view the premium model at this year’s IFAT in Munich. The model was realized by MTC Modellbau, a leading company in the model construction industry.

Visit our booth at IFAT and let yourself be convinced by the attention to detail and quality of our model. We look forward to welcoming you there!


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